
class bandicoot.Record(interaction=None, direction=None, correspondent_id=None, datetime=None, call_duration=None, position=None)

Data structure storing a call detail record.

interaction : str, ‘text’ or ‘call’

The type of interaction (text message or call).

direction : str, ‘in’ or ‘out’

The direction of the record (incoming or outgoing).

correspondent_id : str

A unique identifier for the corresponding contact

datetime : datetime

The exact date and time of the interaction

call_duration : int or None

Durations of the call in seconds. None if the record is a text message.

position : Position

The geographic position of the user at the time of the interaction.


matches(self, other) Return true if two records ‘match’: if they share the same values for interaction, direction, call_duration, and datetime.