Data integrity

Occasionally, records in CDR and collected mobile phone metadata can be corrupted: wrong format, faulty files, empty periods of time, missing users, etc. bandicoot will not attempt to correct errors as this might lead to incorrect analysis. It will instead:

  1. warn you when you attempt to import corrupted data,
  2. remove faulty records,
  3. report more than 30 variables warning you of potential issues when exporting indicators.

Warnings at import

By default, read_csv() reports six warnings to the standard output:

  1. when an attribute path is given but no attributes could be loaded, e.g. because the path is wrong or because the attribute file is empty,
  2. when a recharges_path is given but no recharges could be loaded,
  3. the percentage of records that do not contain location informationwhen an antenna file is provided, the number of antennas missing location information
  4. the percentage of duplicated records
  5. the percentage of calls with an overlap of more than 5 minutes

Removal of faulty records

bandicoot will automatically remove faulty records and will report the number of ignored records (also available in the User Object):

>>> my_user.ignored_records
{'all': 5,
 'call_duration': 3,
 'correspondent_id': 0,
 'datetime': 2,
 'direction': 4,
 'interaction': 0,
 'location': 0}

In this example, six records were removed:

  • three records had incorrect call durations,
  • two records had incorrect dates and times,
  • four records had incorrect incoming or outgoing directions.


An ignored record with multiple faulty fields will be double counted and reported for each incorrect value. The total number of ignored records is reported in all, here 5.

bandicoot also offer the option to remove “duplicated records“ (same correspondants, direction, date and time). The option drop_duplicates=True in read_csv() is not activated by default, as one user might send multiple text messages in less than one minute (or less, depending on the granularity of the data set).

Reporting variables

The function all() returns a nested dictionary containing all indicators, but also 39 reporting variables:

  1. information on the files: antennas_path, attributes_path, recharges_path,
  2. information about the data: start_time, end_time, night_start, night_end, weekend with a list of days defining a weekend, number_of_records, number_of_antennas, number_of_recharges…,
  3. information on records for which information is missing: percent_records_missing_location, antennas_missing_locations, and ignored_records mentioned previously,
  4. information on the user’s ego network: percent_outofnetwork_calls, percent_outofnetwork_texts, percent_outofnetwork_contacts, percent_outofnetwork_call_durations,
  5. and finally, information on the grouping: groupby, split_week, split_day.