Igor Shilov

Email: i.shilov23@imperial.ac.uk

Igor is a PhD student at the Computational Privacy Group having started in October 2023. His research interests include Differential Privacy, Privacy Attacks against ML models and the impact of privacy-preserving technologies on privacy regulations.

Prior to joining CPG, Igor obtained his undergraduate degree in Computer Science in 2013 and has been working as a Software Engineer since, most recently at Meta AI. Working in a Research Engineer capacity in Ilya Mironov’s group focusing on privacy-preserving technologies, Igor has picked up a passion for research, privacy and open-source.

During his time at Meta AI Igor has lead the development of Opacus, a PyTorch Library for training models with Differential Privacy (DP-SGD), designed the architecture of StopNCII.org - a privacy-preserving platform helping combat non-consensual intimate image sharing, and contributed to various R&D projects on Differential Privacy, Federated Learning and Privacy Attacks.

Igor’s prior experience also includes work on Trust & Safety, Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval.



  • Meeus, M., Shilov, I., Faysse, M. and de Montjoye Y. A. Copyright Traps for Large Language Models. 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024) (2024).
    Selected Press: MIT Technology Review, Nature News