Profile picture for Arnaud Tournier

Arnaud Tournier

Arnaud is a PhD student at Imperial College London. His research interests include designing new machine learning algorithms for re-identification in behavioral datasets such as mobile phones, credit cards, or smart meter data, and studying algorithmic collusion in reinforcement learning.

Since the beginning of his PhD, Arnaud has been a Teacher Assistant for the Machine Learning courses at Imperial College, and has supervised student projects in identification learning. He studied Stochastics and Machine Learning at UMPC (M.Sc. Mathematics, Paris VI), Pure Mathematics at Paris-Sud (M.Sc. Mathematics, Paris XI), and Engineering at Ecole Centrale Paris (Diplome d’Ingenieur, Grandes Ecoles).



  • Rocher, L., Tournier, A. J., & de Montjoye, Y. A. Adversarial competition and collusion in algorithmic markets. Nature Machine Intelligence (2023).
    Selected Press: POLITICO Pro Fair Play, POLITICO Pro Morning Tech
  • Tournier, A. J., & de Montjoye, Y. A. Expanding the attack surface: Robust profiling attacks threaten the privacy of sparse behavioral data. Science Advances (2022).