bandicoot provides a complete, easy-to-use environment for data-scientist to analyze mobile phone metadata. With only a few lines of code, load your datasets, visualize the data, perform analyses, and export the results.
bandicoot indicators fall into three categories: individual (e.g. number of calls, text response rate), spatial (e.g. radius of gyration, entropy of places), and social network (e.g. clustering coefficient).
bandicoot is on Github and PyPI, and it's really easy!
pip install bandicoot
python >>> import bandicoot as bc
bandicoot has built-in visualization tools. Load a user's file and visualize his social graph, mobility pattern, and interactions.
Check out our IPython notebook for live examples.
We detect and warn you of potential missing data (no location, wrong date…). bandicoot automatically exports more than 40 reporting metrics to help you detect issues.
If you use bandicoot in your research please cite it as: de Montjoye, Y. A., Rocher, L., & Pentland, A. S. (2016). bandicoot: a Python Toolbox for Mobile Phone Metadata. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(175), 1-5.
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
Imperial College London
Luc Rocher
Imperial College London
Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland
MIT Media Lab
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